Saturday, January 21, 2017

Give me Jesus

"...In the morning, when I rise, 
In the morning, when I rise, 
In the morning, when I rise, 

Give me Jesus. 

Give me Jesus, 
Give me Jesus, 
You can have all this world, 

Just Give me Jesus…"


My heart has been heavy for so many months, I don't remember what relief feels like. I've tried to push through, tried to take care of everyone, and every problem. I took everything on my shoulders, trying to fill my Mother's place, trying to fill the hole in my heart, trying to find happiness again.

But the truth is, I'm broken and weary, and tired from the fight.

This world is full of pain. Loved ones die. Dreams are taken, good intentions are hurled back in your face, friends turn their backs, family disappears, judgements overtake love, disappointments pile up, and souls are crushed.

Everywhere I look are people hurting, and I'm overwhelmed by the knowing, the raw, honest, bleeding, KNOWING of what their pain feels like. I'm in it, I've been there, I'm fighting my way out.

Without Jesus, I wouldn't survive.

Because through all of the pain, my gentle Savior is still pursing ME, still calling my name, still loving me, still surrounding me with truth and grace and mercy.

He hasn't left, and He never will.

I may never be the same again, and this world will never look the same again, but Oh, my sweet Savior hasn't changed, and He never will.

Give me more of Him. Give me His comfort, His gentle whispers, His quiet peace, His steadfast love. Give me His unfailing assurance, His healing, His friendship, His warm embrace. Give me His justice, His promise to overcome, His Salvation, His wisdom, His mercy.

Give me more of Jesus.

Every moment of every day. When I sleep, and when I rise. When I'm joyful, and when I'm lost in grief, when I'm hopeful, and when I feel despair. When the pains of this world have held me down for long enough, give me more of Him.

Give me Jesus. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

Thoughts on MLK Jr. Day

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. 
For fear has to do with punishment, 
and whoever fears has not been perfected in love."
1 John 4:18


Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and my newsfeed is blowing up with MLK Jr. quotes, the most popular being:

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. 
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that,"- MLK Jr.

It's a great truth, but it didn't start with MLK Jr., it started with Christ. 


Jesus came to Earth so that we would know what perfect love looks like. Love from our Father, love that casts out fear and condemnation, love that brings healing, forgiveness of our sins, and peace. Love that steps in and says: "You are precious, you are purposed, you were loved before the creation of the world." Love that adopts us as heirs to the throne, sons and daughters of The Most High God. 

THIS love, the love from God, is what drives out darkness and hate, because God's love is the only love that is perfect, the only love that is pure. 

As His children, God calls us the "light of the world" because we shine the love of Jesus for all to see, He's given us the job to be "lights on a hill", living lives that demonstrate the freedom we've found in Christ. We have been called to shine God's glory, to lead the lost, and to love others with the love we ourselves have received from God. 

MLK Jr. understood this love. He describes his call into ministry as: "…An inner urge calling [him] to serve humanity…" which makes me believe he understood that God had placed a light within him that needed to be shone, and that inner urge, I believe, was The Holy Spirit pushing him forward, just as He does with us today. 

It's great that we set aside a day to remember this man, and the effect he had on our history, but what's greater is seeing and understanding that MLK Jr. was just a man, being obedient to his calling in Christ. 

We are all called to shine God's love, and we are all called to point people back to Jesus, The One who's love was demonstrated so perfectly on the cross of Calvary, when He laid down His life for every single man, woman, and child; for red and yellow, black and white, for all lives that were and will be, because we all matter to God. He was the one who gave all lives value, dying for us, so that we could have complete unity with Him, and live forever with Him in Glory. 

His love is the only perfect love, the only pure light, and the only tool we need to reach our hurting world. 

Keep shining bright, brothers and sisters, the world needs you.