Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Sharing the Road to Glory: Why I Write

Writing and choosing the journal online is a very personal thing. The topics I choose, the words, the thoughts, are all my own, and deeply expose my inner heart of hearts. When it comes to living an open, vulnerable life, I've always been on board, believing that two people can only truly be connected when truth is spoken between them. I've never shied away from speaking truth, and that's what you'll find here in this blog: my truth.

Up until about a month ago, there was no problem with this, and I wrote freely, expressing topics on faith, motherhood, marriage, and most recently: my devastating journey of grief after losing my Mother. I've written real things, real emotions, real questions. I've written about my faith, and my relationship with God. I've shared prayers, personal struggles, and even questions that I've brought to The Almighty. I've shared these things because I know there are others grieving in the body of Christ, and they need to know it's OK to feel the way they do. I know there are other women hurting out there, who can read my words, and be encouraged. I know there are others aching, seeking, and not knowing where to look to find their peace. I want to point those people to Christ, even in my grief, because I know how they feel, and I have the answers they seek: I have Jesus, and it's my job to tell the nations.

However, about a month or so ago, I was approached by someone who told me that my blogs were too personal, and needed to stop. I was told that the topics I write about were embarrassing to people, making them uncomfortable, and not appropriate. More so, I was told that my pictures and weekly posts about my Mom on Facebook were too much, and also needed to stop. I was told that I needed to make a public apology on Facebook, and curb my writing. I was told I needed to be more subdued, more controlled, quiet.

So I made a public apology, I took down the offending posts, and I was quiet.

Like a good little girl, I sat with my hands folded in my lap, not speaking unless spoken to.

I was quiet.

But today is a new day, and I'm feeling differently.

Today, I am feeling misunderstood, I am feeling violated and crushed. I have worked too hard in my life to just sit and be quiet. I have fought too hard for the life God wants me to live, to let someone else tell me what I can, and cannot do.

I pushed through school, furthering my education at a Christian College, even after being sexually assaulted by my professor and advisor. I pushed through depression when my Grandmother died in my arms. I pushed through physical pain, when the doctors told me I'd lose the use of my left hand and wrist. I pushed through heartache, when I remained pure, praying for a husband and babies, and my prayers were left unanswered for years and years. I pushed through ridicule, when I was made fun of for my faith, when my friends left me, when I was abandoned because being sober just wasn't cool enough. I pushed through my years of being a pastor's daughter, absorbing people's criticism of my Mom & Dad, and of my brother & I too. I pushed through postpartum depression after Katelyn's birth, through the trials of raising two daughters who are not biologically mine, through merging our families, and through creating a beautiful home where all my children can love and flourish. I am pushing through my grief, pushing through the pain of the loss of my precious Mom, and through the pain of watching my Dad mourn day after day. I have pushed through the pain of watching my Dad resign, and I have pushed through many days of ministry since, desperately desiring to still serve my LORD above all else, and the beautiful people that He has put in my path.

I have pushed through it all, fought the good fight, conquered by The power of The Lamb, and gone through all of this, because God wants me to have a story to tell, a life to give witness to, truth to proclaim. He has put the words in my heart to share, through my own experiences, in order to build up the church around me, and encourage those who are in my circle of influence. Sharing these heartaches with one another is what makes us stronger, it's what builds our community and fellowship, and also our faith. We need each other on our journey, and that's why it's so important, I believe, to live vulnerable lives, and willingly share our heart with those around us.

I've always strived for this, and I have a hard time understanding how anyone could read my words as anything less. My blogs have been raw and emotional, but they have always been deeply rooted in faith, in my understanding of scripture, and who I know God to be. I've always pointed back to Christ in my pain, in my questioning, and in my despair. I've never led anyone astray. So being asked to stop writing, to stop sharing, really hurt my heart.

I use writing as a way to express the pain I'm in, because it's really the only way I'm able to completely say what's on my heart. Grief is a very lonely journey to walk through, because so few people are willing to walk beside me, and I fear that if I truly expressed in words what I was feeling, even fewer would walk by me. Writing is safe, but still allows me to release my pain, and process my thoughts, which is huge in my journey through grief.

I've always prayed that this process would be helpful for others too, people who are going through their own struggles in life. I've always prayed that these words would encourage others, and be a sort of mission field for me, where I can share my faith, and introduce others to the Jesus I love so much.

I just can't imagine shutting down this blog, and erasing all the words I've written. I just can't imagine silencing my heart, and stifling The Holy Spirit and the things He reveals to me as I write. So though I've been asked to stop, my response to that is "no." It has to be, because to stop would mean to deny my heart, and deny the work God is doing in my life. I'm just not willing to do that, and not willing to silence the words God has placed within me to speak.

I hope that you will keep reading, and sharing this journey with me. My prayer always has been, and will always be, for you to be blessed here, and find truth for your heart here. And not only that, but love and understanding, from a heart that knows what it's like to be broken, but also full of hope, that our God is still in the business of restoration and healing. He is still on the throne, and working good things out in our lives. We have much to be thankful for, and much to look forward to. I hope you'll walk with me, and share the road to Glory, we were never meant to travel alone.

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