Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Letter to Dad, on Your Return:

November 5, 2016


I knew the day that we lost Mom, that satan would try to break you. I knew there would be days ahead when we’d wonder how we would keep going, how we’d get through the shock, the pain, the ache in our hearts. But never once, in these last 8 months without Mom, did I ever doubt that you’d be victorious. I knew deep down in my heart that you would overcome your grief, because I’ve watched you my whole life, and I know what kind of fighter you are, I know the passion in your soul, your fire for preaching God’s word, and your heart for His people. I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away from ministry very long, and I’ve been praying you back into the pulpit since day one.

I need you to know how proud I am of you. You never once turned your back on God in your pain, you never once gave up. You’ve stood by my side every day, getting up, getting dressed, breathing in and out, playing with your Grandchildren, and showing up in my life. You never let the pain overtake you, you never lost sight of our true goal, of God being before us, moving us ever forward.

And now you’re coming back, and my heart is overwhelmed. God has been so incredibly faithful to us. The healing God has done in your heart has healed my own in so many ways. Watching you overcome has increased my faith, increased my hope, given me courage, and kept me going on the days when getting out of bed seemed too difficult. God has been good to us, even in our pain, and has brought us out of those darkest of days.

Tomorrow is your first Sunday back at church, and I know you’re scared. I know there’s a lot of unknown still, going back without Mom. I know it will be hard in some ways, but I also know it will be good. God will give you the strength and courage you need. He’ll give you the words to preach, and the ability to serve without restriction. I’m sure your ministry will look different now, but I’m also just as sure that you are coming back with a deeper love, a deeper understanding, and a deeper compassion than ever before. You’ve been through the fire, but now you’re coming out the other side, and God will use you mightily for His Kingdom.

Can you just imagine the smile on Mom’s face, the tears in her eyes, the joy in her voice as she cheers for you? I see her so clearly, standing in your cloud of witnesses, shouting you forward, pushing you towards the prize that God has in store for you. Her love for you is still there, still surrounding you at Cassville, her presence will always be felt there, and I know God will let her see you tomorrow, so handsome in your suit. Mom will always be there, Dad, even though the veil separates us now.

And we’re here too. Your family is here, and we love you. We’re cheering for you too, and we’ll help you with whatever you need, working along side you, serving God in the way you taught us to serve. We’ll link arms with you, and we’ll go into battle with you, and satan won’t win Dad, I told you the day of Mom’s celebration of life, he won’t break us.

You’ve overcome, and you’ll continue to overcome, and God will keep helping us until the day He brings us home to Glory. Our eyes are on the prize, ever forward, ever upward.

“He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” -Revelation 21:7

All my love,


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