Friday, September 11, 2015


"Be at rest once more, O my soul, for The LORD has been good to you." 
- Psalm 116:7


Today is the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attack on our country. If I turn on the news right now, the still horrific images will be plastered across my screen, victims and heroes are being interviewed, and everyone is remembering... 

It's easy to remember the fear we all felt that day. It's easy to remember the terror, the devastation, the death, and the evil that took place that day. Our minds hold onto those feelings, and as a nation, we'll never forget. 

But as Christians, we have to understand that pain and destruction are not the end. We do not live in fear of what has happened, or what may come, because we know that God is still in control, and through every event that comes, He is still good. 


Our scripture today tells us to be at rest once more, for The LORD has been good to us. But what does that mean? How do we live a life of rest, when our world is in such turmoil? Quieting our minds and hearts can be hard, but it's something we have to learn to do in order to live in God's rest. 

God does not desire for us to be slaves to worry and fear, He does not want us to live our lives encumbered by the "what if's" of this world, afraid of what's around the corner. Instead, God desires for us to rest in Him. 

He has left with us His Holy Spirit, Whom now dwells within us, and is present with us to give us comfort and peace, and all we need to do is ask Him for it. God desires to pour out His love and healing presence over you, He desires that we give Him our worries and our doubts, in order that we might clear our minds and hearts and feel true peace which only He can give. 

We find our rest, when we talk to The LORD. We find our peace when we let His words comfort us. We find strength and courage for a new day when we reflect on what He's already done, and remind ourselves that He has always been faithful in the past, and He has promised to remain faithful in our future. 

When we trust God to take care of us, and to answer our prayers, that's when true rest comes. When we give up control, give over our worries, and rely on The God of Heaven, Who is working everything out for our good. 

As we remember 9/11, let us take time to also remember that The LORD has been good to us, He has taken care of us, and we are safe in Him. 

Rest, dear friend, take a breath. 

Allow God's soft voice to whisper to your heart today, and let Him wash away all of your fears. Our God is in control, and we have nothing left to fear. 

Just rest. 


Monday, September 7, 2015

A New School Year

Bookbags are packed, paperwork is signed, new shoes are waiting by the front door, and clothes have been tried on, discarded, tried on again, and finally picked and set out. Tomorrow is the first day of school, and we are all a little nervous. 

I am watching my 8th and 6th graders prepare for a new year, and in my heart I'm preparing too. I'm nervous because I can't be there to walk the school hallways with them, I can't hold their hands and lead them to the right desk in class, the right chair at lunch, or the right friendship and relationship. The beginning of a new year marks new opportunities, and they can either choose good options, or they can choose bad, and I so badly want them to choose good. 

I know Lauren will choose cheese pizza over the deli sandwich every day. I know Abby will choose chicken burgers over pizza, and I know she'll collect quarters at home for the vending machine. I know Lauren will giggle and tease to make friends; and I know Abby will be more reserved, waiting to be approached. I know they'll try on eye shadow and lip gloss on the bus, and wash it off before they come home. I know they'll be tempted to repeat bad words in order to fit in, I know they'll be tempted in a lot of things...

But beyond that, what worry aches my heart the most tonight, is, have I taught them enough, and shown them enough, that they'll be able to make the right choices on their own? When it comes to the tough stuff, will they make good decisions, will they stand for what is right? 

I want our girls to be the ones who offer friendship to the kid left out. I want them to be the ones who offer love when someone is sad. I want our girls to be sources of happiness and joy. And I want them to be rocks for their classmates whose worlds are so uneasy. I know our girls won't be perfect, but I want them to be kind and gentle, strong and confident, controlled and purposeful, determined to do their best, and work hard. 

Of course, I know there will be bumps in the road. I know there will be days when they run through the  front door crying because they were made fun of. I know there will drama, and failed tests, and bad haircuts. It's all just part of being a teenager, after all. 

I was in their shoes once, so I know all of these things all too well. I know how hard middle school can be, which is why I pray for them so fervently. I want them to come to love school the way I did, I want them to have a good experience, and I want them to grow up into beautiful ladies who reflect their creator God in whichever path they decide to take. 

I take a deep breath, and ask God for peace. I've done everything I know to do in order to prepare them for this. I haven't been a perfect parent, but I've done my best. The rest is up to God. I know He is going with them into the school, walking beside them all day long, holding their hands when they're scared, and protecting them. He will watch over them and help them wade through this new year. 

I can rest tonight knowing that tomorrow marks a new beginning, and my girls are ready. 

I can't wait to see what they do. 


Thursday, September 3, 2015

To Every Thing There is a Season

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak…" Ecclesiastes 3:1-7 

This blog has been silent for a year, but I've decided it's time I started writing again…

I had been silent on purpose, because I realized through my last posts that my heart was in mourning. I had grown bitter due to circumstances outside of my control, and I didn't want my anger and grief spoiling my writing, not only hurting myself, but also my audience. 

Sometimes it's better to be quiet. 

Sometimes it's better to let God do the healing in private, than through a very public blog such as this. 


So this last year, I've been healing. I've been letting God soften my heart again, and I've been reconnecting. 

Andrew resigned his position as Senior Pastor, and we left our old church, and made ourselves at home in a new church family, serving as the Youth Director (& wife). We've poured into relationships there, let love welcome us, let laughter heal us, and let children spark our love for ministry again.

We had been so hurt, and so broken, but God restored us. He is always faithful! 

We have let this year wash over us, cleansing us, and energizing us for what's ahead. And what's ahead? Only God knows at this point. But with certainty I can say that we'll be ready. 

I know that because I know Who God is. 

I know that in every circumstance He is good. I know that in every season of life, He is present. I know that He is in the business of redemption, forgiveness, and healing. I know that He hears me when I pray, and I know that He answers my prayers. I know He is active, moving, and alive. I know He has a plan for us, and I know that He is fervently working it out for our benefit. I know that He cares for us, and will give us the wisdom we need when we need it. I know that even though pain may come again, He will give us strength for each new day. I know my God is in control, and He won't let us fall. And when I know that, deep into my heart, there's nothing left to fear, and no more room for doubt. 

I may not know what lies ahead, but I know Who my God is, and that makes it OK. 


So here's to new seasons. Here's to letting God move, and having the faith to step forward. Here's to courage in those dark days when we wait for His leading, and here's to love, which covers it all. 

He makes everything beautiful in it's time, and every time- beautiful. 
