Monday, September 7, 2015

A New School Year

Bookbags are packed, paperwork is signed, new shoes are waiting by the front door, and clothes have been tried on, discarded, tried on again, and finally picked and set out. Tomorrow is the first day of school, and we are all a little nervous. 

I am watching my 8th and 6th graders prepare for a new year, and in my heart I'm preparing too. I'm nervous because I can't be there to walk the school hallways with them, I can't hold their hands and lead them to the right desk in class, the right chair at lunch, or the right friendship and relationship. The beginning of a new year marks new opportunities, and they can either choose good options, or they can choose bad, and I so badly want them to choose good. 

I know Lauren will choose cheese pizza over the deli sandwich every day. I know Abby will choose chicken burgers over pizza, and I know she'll collect quarters at home for the vending machine. I know Lauren will giggle and tease to make friends; and I know Abby will be more reserved, waiting to be approached. I know they'll try on eye shadow and lip gloss on the bus, and wash it off before they come home. I know they'll be tempted to repeat bad words in order to fit in, I know they'll be tempted in a lot of things...

But beyond that, what worry aches my heart the most tonight, is, have I taught them enough, and shown them enough, that they'll be able to make the right choices on their own? When it comes to the tough stuff, will they make good decisions, will they stand for what is right? 

I want our girls to be the ones who offer friendship to the kid left out. I want them to be the ones who offer love when someone is sad. I want our girls to be sources of happiness and joy. And I want them to be rocks for their classmates whose worlds are so uneasy. I know our girls won't be perfect, but I want them to be kind and gentle, strong and confident, controlled and purposeful, determined to do their best, and work hard. 

Of course, I know there will be bumps in the road. I know there will be days when they run through the  front door crying because they were made fun of. I know there will drama, and failed tests, and bad haircuts. It's all just part of being a teenager, after all. 

I was in their shoes once, so I know all of these things all too well. I know how hard middle school can be, which is why I pray for them so fervently. I want them to come to love school the way I did, I want them to have a good experience, and I want them to grow up into beautiful ladies who reflect their creator God in whichever path they decide to take. 

I take a deep breath, and ask God for peace. I've done everything I know to do in order to prepare them for this. I haven't been a perfect parent, but I've done my best. The rest is up to God. I know He is going with them into the school, walking beside them all day long, holding their hands when they're scared, and protecting them. He will watch over them and help them wade through this new year. 

I can rest tonight knowing that tomorrow marks a new beginning, and my girls are ready. 

I can't wait to see what they do. 


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