Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Letter to Katelyn: Mommy's Pregnant!

You're too little to understand what's happening now, but Tuesday night we announced to your sisters that Mommy is pregnant, and there are so many things that I want to explain to you too.

You are my precious baby girl, my first born, and you will hold that special place in my heart forever. Carrying you inside of me was the greatest gift, and the bond we share now is amazing. Our days together are the most precious gift, and I love every little thing about you. And that's why Daddy & I decided to have another baby, because we love you so much!

We know there are things that we can't give you as just Mommy & Daddy. You'll need a playmate, an adventure buddy, a scape goat, a best friend. And though I'd love to be your best friend for the rest of your life, I know a little brother or little sister would be better for you.

Together you'll be able to learn and grow. You'll be able to depend on one another, and help each other through life. You'll need each other for when you're older, and you'll form a friendship that will last you a lifetime.

And that is what I wanted to give you, the gift of a best friend.

Mommy & Daddy will need to split our time for a while when the baby comes. We know they'll need us in different ways than you do, since you're a little older. We know this may be hard for you at first, but we also know that with time you'll come to love this little addition so much too!

I've been watching you for months with your little baby dolls and baby kittens, and I know you'll be a great big sister! You have such a tender heart, and soft approach. You sweetly rock your babies, and sing to your kittens, and always want to help feed them and take care of them. I know you'll help me with the new baby, and I'm sure it will completely melt my heart to see you showering love down on your baby sibling.

You are such a joy, and beautiful little girl, and I can't wait to watch you keep growing and learning. You fill a role in this family that no one else ever could, and we completely adore you!

I know the experience of bringing a baby home to you will be so priceless to us! I can't wait to see who you become, and how you will grow into your new role as a big sister in this family!

All my love,


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