Thursday, November 5, 2015

Sweet Baby D

Sweet Baby D, 

I've been praying for you, sweet baby, asking God for you, and waiting for Him to answer "Yes." And this week He did, and I saw two little pink lines that told me you were very real, and growing inside of me. 

You're only a few weeks old right now, but I'm already feeling signs of your little life, and my heart is bursting with love and protection for you! I've been through pregnancy before, but I still find myself overwhelmed, being sure to do every little thing the way I need to, to make sure you stay safe. 

Our family has already begun dreaming of the little person you will be: boy or girl, blond haired or black. We've been swapping name ideas, and bedroom layouts, making sure that we're prepared for your arrival! 

You are already so loved, and so special to us. You will complete our little family in just the perfect way, the baby of 3 other siblings. Your older sisters will teach you so much, and you will teach them things too, like no one else could. 

You are perfectly designed and created by God, and completely known by Him. He is holding you now, forming you now, protecting you now. And God's work is always perfect and complete, and I will wait with great anticipation to meet you in July! 

I praise God for giving you to us, and feel so so blessed to be your Mommy! Keep growing strong, sweet baby, we love you! 


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