Monday, January 11, 2016

Thoughts on Intercessory Prayer

"As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against The LORD 
by failing to pray for you."
 -1 Samuel 12:23a


I was caught off guard this morning by this verse in 1 Samuel. Have you ever thought about our failing to pray for our brothers & sisters as a sin against God? At first I thought that was a bit extreme. Because surely in my heart God knows that I intend to pray for others, but life gets busy, and our minds forget those around us who are in need. We serve a God of mercy, after all, so how could this tiny oversight be a sin? 

Well, that's simply it. To God, this failing is not a tiny oversight. 

God has gifted us the ability to intercede for others, to carry others to the throne of God and lift them up, to ask requests on their behalf, and to ask God's will to be done for those people. Jesus, Himself, has promised to be our intercessor, bridging the gap to our Father God; and also The Holy Spirit has been left with us to act an an intercessor when we don't know the words to pray. We have been equipped in every way to access the throne of God, and it's so important for us to use that gift. 

And after thinking about it, aren't we also sinning against our brothers and sisters, when we know their need, and don't stop and take the time to pray? Aren't we failing them as well? Those who need us to intercede for them in their weakness, but we simply can't be bothered in our busy lives? 

Certainly we are. 

As the family of God, we need each other. We need to support each other, and take care of one another. And the greatest way to do that, is to lift one another in prayer. Prayer is our strongest tool as a Christian, because God is The One who promises to hear us and answer. Calling on our Father God is the best thing we can do for each other. 

Intercessory prayer also benefits the church body in many ways:
- Brings unity, comfort, strength, and encouragement
- Allows for faith building, community edification and community repentance 
- Glorifies God

Those are all things we want, right? Then we better make intercessory prayer part of our daily routine. 

Maybe you're wondering what you need to do to pray on another's behalf, and the answer is easy:

- Confess your sins and make your heart right with God
- Ask God to reveal people's needs to you
- Pray for God's will to be done in those needs
- Praise God for His answers
- Leave the prayer at God's throne, knowing He has heard you & will answer
- Let the person know you are praying, giving encouragement
- Keep a prayer journal to track answered prayers, increasing your faith

Lastly, it's important to understand that EVERY child of God can and should pray on another's behalf. God has given ALL of us the ability to pray, and does not require that we be pastors, elders, teachers, or perfect saints. Your prayers are important to God, and He hears you every time you call on His name! 

How can I pray for you? 

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