Tuesday, May 27, 2014

El-Olam: The Everlasting God

"Do you not know?
    Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    The Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
    and His understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak."

-Isaiah 40:28-29


I keep telling myself that this is just the stage of life that I'm in, but can I just be honest and tell you all how hard it is to feel so tired all the time? There are times that I feel so stretched, pulled thin, and overwhelmed that I wonder how I'll ever get everything done that needs to be done. 

Tonight, I was feeling very much like a failure, realizing my own good intentions of being a good wife, good mom, good home-maker, good pastors wife, good daughter, good sister, good friend…and how often I fail to meet even my own standard, let alone those of my loved ones around me. 

It's easy to get worn down in this life, when it seems like pressure is closing in from all sides, but I was reminded tonight that my strength needs to come from God, not from myself. I am not capable of doing it all, I am not strong enough to handle all of the tasks, wade through all of the emotional drama, juggle schedules, and keep a calm heart through it all…but I have good news:

My God is

My God is El-Olam, another Name that's important for us to memorize. This name of God gives us the promise that our God is The Everlasting God, The God who does not tire, and does not grow weary. Not only that, but this name of God also gives us the promise that God will give us strength when we are tired, and give our spirits power when we feel completely drained. 

Our God steps in and saves the day, and gives us strength when we're at the end of ourselves. More so, what's so encouraging for me, is this promise that I don't have to do it alone. God is my strength, and He will give me what I need to do the work He has placed before me. 

There are times when I'll hear myself saying: "But what if I can't do it, what if I don't have what it takes?" and this verse comes to mind: "Do you not know, have you not heard? The LORD is The Everlasting God!" And I am reminded once again, He did this, He put me here, and He will equip me for every step that I will need to take. 

I am not walking this path alone. El-Olam walks with me, being my Everlasting God, providing me with the strength I need. 

This promise is what allows me to keep going, to try another day. Knowing that my God is with me, and doesn't slumber or sleep. He sees it all, is with me through it all, and will be my strength, no matter my need. 

My El-Olam, my Everlasting God, will always see me through. 


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