Monday, May 26, 2014

Jehovah-Rapha: The LORD Our Healer

We've had a really full weekend of traveling, visiting family, reuniting with old friends, church and camping, and now that we're back home, I feel like I need a weekend to recover from my weekend! Beyond that, Katelyn woke up from her evening nap yesterday completely congested and showing signs of a cold. This is the first time she's been sick, so I, of course, was a little concerned. Thankfully, the cold has stayed up in her nose and she is breathing fine and not at all congested in her chest. 

Last night as I was praying before bed, praying for my baby girl and her protection, I was reminded of the many names of God, and reminded that my God is Jehovah-Rapha, our Healer. I think so many times we look to God to heal our big problems, to heal our big sicknesses, but I'm convinced that God cares about our little problems too, even the stuffy nose of my 5 month old. 

I was comforted to know that my God, The Creator of the universe, The King of Kings, my Healer, cares about my baby, and is watching over her and keeping her safe. I told my Mom, I wish I could give Katelyn something to make the cold better, some type of medication, because then at least I would feel like I'm helping her, but at this stage, there's nothing that can be done except to offer love and comfort. Jahovah-Rapha is holding my baby girl, He is caring for her, healing her, and seeing to her problem. He is better at taking care of her than I ever could be, and I was reminded that I need to let go, and trust her again to The God who created her and loves her so deeply. 

Our God is our Healer. The Healer of our big things, and The Healer of our little things. He sees our broken bodies, our broken spirits, our broken hearts. He knows the places within us that need extra care and attention, and no matter is too big or too small for Him. He is our ultimate Healer, and He will always take care of our need. 

I wonder how many things we try to fix ourselves, how many problems we take on and try to heal within our own power, when really, we should be giving those sicknesses over to our God, and letting Him be our Healer and care-giver. I wonder how many times we actually get in the way of the healing God's trying to do in our lives. And I wonder, if life would be easier all around, if we were just able to surrender. 

Our God is our Healer, and His desire is to take our broken parts and make us whole in Him. 

Will you let Him heal you today? 

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