Wednesday, May 28, 2014


“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden." 
-Matthew 5:14


I can't even count how many times people have said to me: "Wow, you're a pastor's wife? That must be a lot of pressure!" And though, I admit to you, that yes, there are times of pressure, overall my life hasn't changed all that much. 

Because being in ministry isn't any different than being at a normal job, I still live my life the same way, I'm still the same person, I still look the same as I always have…because long ago Christ came into my heart, and His light has been within me, and I spend my life trying to reflect His goodness. 

My light hadn't changed, but just it's location. 

I no longer go to a 9-5 job. I don't work in a cubical and eat lunch in a cafeteria, so my sphere of influence is very different now, but it's still up to me to find ways to let God's light shine through me. It's still my job to be a lamp to the dark world around me. 


I've been trying to teach the girls that even at their young age, they still have a job to do for Christ. At their age, their job is to go to school, and while there, their job is to be a light to their friends. I tell them that they have to dress different, talk different, listen to different music, and have different standards, because they represent Christ, and He calls us to be different. 

It's hard to be a kid in today's world, but this is the stage they're at, and God has called them to be His little lights to their classmates and teachers. 


A lot of times I hear people say that ministry is for pastors and missionaries, but that's a mistake. We are all called to minister, we are all called to be lights on a hill. 

Whatever line of work you find yourself in, and whatever stage of life, young or old, you have a job to do, you have a light to shine. 

Ministry has a way of changing as we transition through life, but the very way we live our lives becomes our ministry. We are walking witnesses to the glory and faithfulness of God, and it's our example that will catch people's eye. They are looking, and watching, and it's up to us to show them what they need: God's amazing love and transforming power. 

And because we carry our light within us, our ministry never ends. From a young child, to a grey-haired elder late in life…our ministry grows and matures with us, and it won't be complete until God calls us home. 


As God's children, we are all in ministry, no matter our occupation or age. God has lit a light within us, and it's our job to shine. 

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