Saturday, May 24, 2014


"There is a time for everything, 
and a season for every activity under the heavens." 
- Ecclesiastes 3:1


On the way home from a bridal shower today, with Katelyn chattering in the backseat, Andrew and I were reminiscing about our own place in life. We are no longer newly-weds, no longer at the stage in our relationship when everything is new. Instead, we've jumped ahead to a busy, full life, with 3 children, sport schedules, instrument lessons, choral concerts, work, and budget planning. 

It seems like just yesterday that I was at my own bridal shower, still unsure of what marriage and motherhood would bring. But now I'm in full swing, up to my neck in laundry and house repair to-do lists, and my time is spent very differently now than it was in the past. Andrew and I looked at each other and smiled, admitting to one another how tired we were, but laughing just the same because we know that this is the stage we're in right now, and someday we'll look back on these busy days and wish we had them back. This is the stage of life we're in, and we recognize that we need to embrace it now. 


It's important that Solomon wrote about this simple understanding in life: "There is a time for everything…" because though this is a simple truth, so often we forget it. So often we get bogged down in life wishing our situation would change, instead of embracing where we are: ..."I'll never get a better job", "I'll never sleep again", "the kids will never learn", "I'll never get married", "I'll never have kids"…but the truth is, God has given our lives stages for a reason, there is a time in our lives for everything, and God is the One in charge of that timing. And each season He brings us through is meant to help us, to bless us, and to draw us closer to Him. 

Our lives are full of seasons, they are always changing, and this reminder that Solomon gives us is important to help us to remember that, indeed, God is always working, and bringing us through stages in life. 

There may be seasons of waiting, seasons of pain, season of seemingly unanswered prayers, seasons of misbehaving children, seasons of sleepless nights, and seasons where everything seems to go wrong…but knowing WHO my God is, also assures me that there will be seasons of joy, seasons of good health, seasons of answered prayer, seasons of growth, seasons of blessing, and seasons of over-abundance. 

Our God is a good God, and His timing is always good for us. He knows exactly what we need, and what season we are in. He will sustain us, He will help us, and even through the rough seasons, He has us exactly where we need to be. 

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