Thursday, April 3, 2014

Let God be Praised

"Let Israel rejoice in their Creator! Let the people of Zion delight in their King!"
- Psalm 149:2


Today my oldest daughter turned 12, and my youngest turned 4 months old. One daughter I've adopted, and one daughter I've carried within me, but they are both mine, and they are both priceless to me. Their lives are so special, and they fill us with so much joy, and so we are celebrating their lives today. And in my heart, I am also praising The Creator of the universe, Who formed these little girls in His hands, perfectly and with purpose He created my girls, and then He gave them to me. They are a gift, let God be praised! 


Let God be praised for the life He breathes into us. 
Let God be praised for His infinite wisdom.
Let God be praised for His loving care.
Let God be praised for His protection.
Let God be praised for His love. 

Let God be praised! 


Christian sister or brother, our God is good, our God deserves praise, are you getting that? 

We have been given life, abundant life, and God gives us all of these good things so that we can rest in our Creator, and be filled with contentment, joy, and peace. God desires for us to live happy lives, filled with His Spirit, with praise continually on our lips. We were created to give glory to God, and live in His peace, our lives should be happy. 

Rejoice in Your Creator, delight in your King! 

He has given you a beautiful life, no matter what circumstance you may find yourself in today. You are breathing, you are loved by Almighty God…does anything else matter? 

In light of what God has given, and what God has done for us, there should be no room within us for anything but praise. 

We are His. 
He is ours.
And nothing, can ever separate us from the love of God. 


Let God be praised in your life today.
Let your heart rejoice in your LORD.

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