Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Living in the Resurrection Power

"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 
and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. 
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me."
Philippians 3:10-12 


Easter weekend is behind us. Churches across the world were packed for the occasion, but all the pews sit empty now, visitors have all gone home, holiday meals have been cooked and consumed, easter candy is 50% off in all of the grocery stores, and now everyone's focus is on getting through the wet spring so that the warm, sunny summer can finally arrive.

But shouldn't Easter be more than that? Can this really be all there is? A simple holiday weekend, celebrated, but gone so quickly when Monday morning rolls around?

Not for us, sons and daughters of The King, not for us.


No, for us, the resurrection of Christ, the reason we celebrate Easter, is what gives us life every day. We are alive, because Christ is alive, and every day we live in the resurrection power of our King.

When Christ came out of the tomb alive, He did more than resurrect Himself, He conquered death completely. Jesus overcame death for us, meaning that when we are in Him, we will never die! Do you know what living in that power means? It means that for the Christian, we don't have to fear death, we don't have to wonder what happens when we die, we don't have to be afraid when our loved ones die, because we know that Christ has overcome the grave, and we will live forever because of what He did for us.

Living in the resurrection power of Christ means that nothing on earth should frighten us. Because when we allow the depth of what God did for us, when we realize how amazing He is, how deep His love for us is, we will understand deep in our hearts that our God is capable of anything, and big enough to handle whatever may come. Nothing can hold my God down, not even death. And because we are in Christ, that power is given to us as well, giving us the promise that nothing can hold us down either. We are conquerors because of Christ's victory!

Living in the resurrection power of Christ means that financial struggles, loneliness, job situations, marital problems, the heartbreak of wayward children, health concerns, and even death- do not break us- because our God is bigger and mightier than all of those things.

What I want you to understand is that Christ gave up His life, died on a cross, and rose again 3 days later, for YOU, so that you could LIVE your life in His resurrection power. Christ's death has given us life, and our life is secure in Him, eternally! NOTHING can hurt you, not completely, because Christ holds your life and your heart in the center of His mighty hand, and He has WON!

This should give your heart so much joy, dear Christian, for Christ has overcome, and through His victory, you have too. Our hearts should be overflowing, our joy should be contagious, our contentment should be complete, and our worries should be few.


Easter should be celebrated every day, reminding us of what Christ did for us, reminding us to live as victors, reminding us to live in the resurrection power of Christ.

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