Friday, January 31, 2014

"I Don't Feel Like It!"

I have to admit, I don't feel like writing today. 

My morning started hectic and stressed, as my oldest decided to test my every nerve on her way out the door to catch the school bus. 

And then there were emails to answer, mail to sort, and phone calls to make. 

Then the baby needed to be fed, bathed, changed, fed, and changed again for the hundredth time it seemed. 

Laundry was on the list today too, and then the ever present need to tidy, and make dinner.

Report cards also came home today, and I'll just say that one daughter made good choices, and one daughter did not...

My day was full of a million tiny things that in the grand scheme of life don't add up to much, but nevertheless have left me tired, scattered, and a little bit cranky. 


Andrew is always telling me that life is all about choices. We choose to love, choose to obey, choose to sin, choose to be happy, choose to be sad, choose to let life take us over. That's just like him, to rationalize things, to take the emotion and whiny attitude out, and tell me to just make a choice. Thank you, hunny.


In the craziness of life, don't we all make poor choices?  In our daily walk with Christ, we get lazy, we get bogged down with life, and we just don't feel like doing what God wants us to do. 

We put our human feelings on Heavenly work, and we say "no" to God.

"I can't go to church today, God, it's been too long of a week, I need to rest."

"I can't talk to my coworker about you, God, she might laugh at me!"

"I can't pray for that person, they're mean to me, and I won't do it!"

"I can't give to the needy, they made the bad choices, they don't deserve my hard-earned money!"

"I'll start living for you tomorrow, God, right now, I'm just too busy."

We all make excuses to tell God why we can't do something, and most of the time, we dodge the blame:

Its because we're tired, because we're busy, because we're young, because we're old, because we're poor, because we don't have the time, because there's someone else to do it...

No, those are just excuses. What we're really doing is making a choice to disobey.


"So, brothers and sisters, because of God’s mercies, I encourage you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice that is holy and pleasing to God. This is your appropriate priestly service." - Romans 12:1

Our 'appropriate priestly service'? 

Let's break this down in another translation:

"I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship." 

That's pretty strong language, not leaving much room for debate. It sounds to me, like even on the hard days, even when we are busy and scattered, cranky and tired, we are told to present ourselves as living sacrifices, ready to do whatever God wants us to do. 


If you failed at this today, take heart, tomorrow is a new day!

As we settle in for sleep tonight, may we ask God to help us see what we're being called to do, and help us tomorrow to live out His plan for our lives.

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