Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Tablet of Your Heart: A New Blog is Born!

People have been asking me to write a book for years. I've given it a lot of thought and prayer lately, and in response, I've felt led to start this blog. 

My hope is that as I write about my faith, what God is teaching me, life, daily struggles, and honest reflection, that God will use my experiences and words, and hearts will be touched. 

I've always believed in vulnerability being the key to building true community, and because of that, I've always written about real, honest stuff. I think it's through this honesty that we're able to relate with one another, and building fellowship among Christians is all about relating. 

My plan is to use this blog as a daily devotional, a place you can stop by every day to find encouragement, inspiration, and maybe even a lighthearted laugh. I hope you will reach out, and start conversation, and that together we can share our faith and lives. 

Here's to a new journey, I look forward to what God will do along the way

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