Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Letter to Miss. Magnolia (Maggie) Maloy

Dear Maggie,

I had been so nervous waiting to see you on the ultrasound. I needed to know you had two little hands, and two little feet, and all the normal anatomy that babies need. I wanted to hear your heartbeat again, and see your little movements on the screen. And I also wanted to know if you were a boy or girl, so that we could name you, and begin our preparations for your arrival.

All throughout my pregnancy, everyone told me I was having a boy, but in the back of my heart, I wanted you to be a girl. I had nightmares about having a boy, and not knowing how to take care of him. I remember waking Daddy one night, so upset by the dream where I told the doctor there'd been a mistake, and I needed a girl. Daddy and I agreed on your name right away, but we never could settle on   a boys name, and the night before our ultrasound I sat Daddy down and made him make a decision. I needed to know, I needed to plan, and I needed to prepare.

And then, the morning finally came, and there you were before us, and the news was delivered: girl.

I immediately began to cry, and asked the technician if she was sure. Daddy was smiling, holding my hand, and we laughed that now we had 4 girls…4 proms to look forward to, 4 boyfriends, and 4 weddings to plan, and lots and lots of estrogen to go around. Poor Daddy is completely outnumbered, but that's OK. We are both so happy to know that you're healthy and strong, and we can't wait to hold you in our arms.

We named you Magnolia (Maggie) Maloy Donnelly, a very Irish name indeed. We both loved the nickname Maggie, and Magnolia seemed like the best fit for you, a sweet little name. Maloy is your Grandma Rose's maiden name, and we are so excited to be able to carry on that family name through you. Maggie Maloy, such a perfect little name for our little girl.

We are wondering what color hair you'll have, and who's eye color. Daddy has lots of redheads on his side of the family, so he thinks you'll come out with auburn locks. We know you'll be beautiful no matter what, and reflect your Creator God in just the perfect way.

We know right now that God is knitting you together, forming you and holding you until you're ready to meet us. We know that He's already begun a special work in you, and that He'll carry it out to completion. We trust in His plan for you, and we're so thankful for you, and the life you will live.

Maggie Maloy, we love you so much already, and we are dreaming of what life will look like once you're here. We can't wait to hold you, and kiss your little face, and count your little toes. We are already blessed by you, and can't wait to see all that God has in store.

Keep growing strong, little one, we'll meet you soon...

All my love,


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