Thursday, February 11, 2016

When the Sparrow Falls

I keep staring at this empty screen, unsure of what to say. Words and prayers have been floating through my head all night, but still nothing seems quite right. 

I come to the throne of God and lay my burden down, lay the burden of the ones I love down, but still, the heartache is heavy, and there's nothing to do to fully remove that pain. 

Heaven has called a little one home, and we are all mourning. We are weeping with those who weep, and carrying them in our hearts as we watch them go through such a devastating time. 

I know in my heart that God is still good, but none of this is good. This is pain at it's deepest, separation to the core, heartache that cuts you at your soul, and the hardest goodbye that anyone ever spoke. 


God is so tender, the Bible tells us He sees even when the sparrow falls. 

Surely He sees His children now. Surely He cries along with them, hurting in His heart too. Surely The Holy Spirit draws near, cradling those who can hardly stand. 

Our Father God is tender, He knows when our hearts are sad, and He will bring comfort, I am sure. 

Little baby, you are so loved. The world only knew about you for a short time, but the impact you made on our hearts will never be forgotten. Your family, near and far, loved you with a fierce love, and we will wait in hope for the day when we get to meet you in Glory. It brings our hearts comfort to know that there is family in Heaven holding you you now, rocking you, singing songs with you at the feet of our King. You are in the safest place, the most beautiful place, but we will miss you here. Your family will never forget your little life, knowing that God's plan for you was so very different than the one we dreamed of. Your little life completed a purpose that no one else could, and now your work is done. We thank God for you, and praise Him, even in this goodbye. 


Father God, draw near. Pour out your comfort and peace to those who are crushed in spirit. Surround them with your love, let them never feel alone. Restore and rebuild, turn their mourning ashes into beauty. Even through the valley, LORD, carry them. We lay our burden down, God, and we will wait for You to lift our head once more. 

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