Friday, February 12, 2016

Our Valentine's Day

Our morning started at 5am, with my coughing waking us up. It wasn't long after that, that your alarm signaled the beginning of a new day, and Katelyn's cries could be heard from her room. With all that commotion, there certainly was no way we could ignore the fact that morning had come, even though we both were wearing the sleepy mask of exhaustion.

You skipped breakfast at home, saying you'd just grab something quick on the way to work. And before you managed to get out of the front door, your lunch had been spilt across the hallway, fruit rolling in all directions. When you opened the front door, you looked back at me and shook your head: "We have a flat tire on the truck, I'll take the car" was all you had to say and I knew my own plans had just changed for the day as well. Not 15 minutes later, you called from the car to tell me you'd be late, and that oh yea, you'd grabbed a non-matching set of dress shoes in all your morning haste, and now you'd be forced to work all day in mismatched shoes. I just told you we'd better laugh at this, or we'd surely cry, and to try to have a good day anyway.

Some days are just like this, and we have to choose to laugh, smile at each other, and keep going. 


Valentine's Day for us has always looked a bit different than the commercials on TV. From day one we've had squirming children separating us in the booth at dinner, watching movies with us, and stealing our popcorn. We never had those early years of just you & me, and our money has always been used for practical family things instead of silly romantic whims.

But in the middle of this crazy life, you've always had a way of looking over the top of the children's heads, and catching my eye. You've learned to reach across the couch to take my hand, and steal kisses in the kitchen while I make dinner. You've snuck beautiful grocery store flowers behind your back to surprise me with, and left words of encouragement and love on my voicemail when there wasn't enough time to exchange words at the door on your way out. You've made me laugh when I'm mad at you, with your stupid little grin and quick humor. And somehow, you've found little ways, everyday, of making our hectic life slow down for just a moment, and remind me that I'm loved. You have a way of making everything better, just by coming home; and when I'm with you, I feel safe, and able to conquer the world.


I know our version of Valentine's Day looks more like a Busytown book, with a million things to do, diapers to change, laundry to fold, kids to wrangle, bills to pay, and farm animals to be fed, but at the end of that day…I get to have you. And there's no one in the world I'd rather be with, and no one in the world I'd rather be doing this crazy life alongside.

In spite of all the obstacles, we've found a way to make it work. A rhythm all our own. And everyday that we keep living and loving, we're showing our children what real love looks like. That it's not all roses, ribbons or bows; but it's raw, honest, hard work, and the decision to keep laughing, and choosing each other no matter what life brings.

And I think that means more than any hallmark card ever could.

Happy Valentine's Day, my love.


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