Saturday, April 30, 2016

Citizens of Heaven

"But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. 
And we are eagerly waiting for Him to return as our Savior."
- Philippians 3:20


My Mom went to be with Jesus 7 weeks ago. In the time since her death, I've done a lot of faith work. I've had to reexamine all the things I know of Jesus: Who He is, Who He was, Who He promises to be. I've had to ask Him questions I never asked before. Had to have Him carry me through the darkest valley I've ever been in. Had to crawl back to Him in a weakened state that I've never felt, and have had to rely on His strength in new ways. 

Grief looks so very different for the Christian, because not only am I missing my Mom and her Earthly presence in my life, but I'm also coming to terms with Who God is, who we are in Him, and the greater purpose that He has for all of us. I've had to reevaluate what I know not only about life, but what I know about death, and what has been revealed to us through scripture. 

So many people say that death is natural, that it's part of life, something that we all must go through. But looking at death through spiritual eyes, we realize that death itself is not natural at all. 

God created humans higher than the animals (Genesis 12:26) with souls and minds and the ability to think and reason. Our souls were intended to live forever in complete and perfect union with our Father God. Our souls were created for eternity, and it wasn't until Adam and Eve first sinned, that death became natural for man (Gen. 3:19). Our sin, is what first broke our communion with God, and it's why our bodies now age, shrivel, and die. 

So though we now live in a fallen world, and our earthly bodies all suffer and eventually die, death for the soul, is still unnatural, because our souls live on forever. 

It was in light of this truth that God in His divine love and mercy sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins, to suffer our death, so that we would have a way to be reconciled to our Father, and have a way for our souls to be saved from eternal damnation in Hell. Jesus came, to bridge our gap to Heaven, and once we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, our souls are guaranteed eternal life in Glory with our Father God. 

For the Christian, our eyes must be on Heaven at all times, because that is what we are now intended for. This time we spend on Earth is only temporary, was made temporary after our sin, and now we look ahead to Heaven, when we will be at perfect peace in our Father, and the eternal security we have in Him. We are no longer citizens of Earth, intended for Earth. But rather, we are now citizens of Heaven, intended for Heaven, and we eagerly await for our arrival there (Philippians 3:20).

Because of these truths, I have to think differently about my Mom's death. My Mom's body failed, her heart stopped beating, and she died on Earth. But because my Mom gave her life to Jesus on Earth, her soul was purposed for Heaven, and that is where she now is. She is finally where her soul has always longed to be: Fully alive, walking in complete fellowship with her Savior, fulfilling the ultimate plan that God has for each of us. My Mom is where she was always supposed to be, but it still hurts. 

It hurts because we are left behind. It hurts because our souls are separated from where we are supposed to be. We are longing for Heaven, anticipating Heaven. We want to be there with everything we are, because our souls long for God, and long to be with the ones we love. This soul separation is not natural for a Christian, because we are citizens of Heaven, no longer citizens of Earth. 

Through the pain, though, our eyes look upward with hope. The Biblical hope that is secure of things unseen, the anticipation of Heaven, and the day when God will make all things well. One day, God will call my soul home, and I'll be reunited with my Mom, and come face to face with my Savior Jesus, and all will be well. My soul will be where it has always been meant to be, and my heart will be at peace. 

I have to look ahead with hope, with anticipation and gladness in my heart, because I know this separation will not be forever. My soul is in turmoil now, but I know the truth about life and death, and I know God will one day call me Home, and heal my pain. 

My soul is set on eternity, and my eyes must be as well. I have to focus on what is ahead, what is waiting for me, and anticipate the return of my Savior, and eternity spent with Him.  I am a citizen of Heaven, my soul is intended for Glory, and one day I will close my eyes in this life, and open them to behold my Savior. One day I'll walk the same streets of gold that my Mom is walking now, and my soul will only know peace. 

LORD, I am longing for the day! 

May You keep my eyes focused on You, focused on Heaven, and the eternal purpose that You have for me. May I live my life on Earth in such a way that demonstrates my hope in You, and may my life here bring glory to Your name, until the day You bring me Home. Thank You, Jesus, for saving our souls, and securing eternity for us. Thank You for Heaven, and the home I have waiting for me there. I look ahead with hope, and wait for the day when You make all things well. 

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