Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Letter to my Unsaved Family: The Time Has Come

If today was my last day on earth, and I had you all in my living room, with all of your attention, there are a few things I'd want to say to you. There are some things I'd like to clear up, things I'd like to emphasize, and things I need you to know, that I need you to hear from me.

And since we never know when our last day on earth will be, I'm choosing to write this letter now, knowing that some of you will read it, and some of you will ignore it, but at least I will know that I've tried, at least I'll have had this chance to speak my heart.


I want you to know how much I cherish you. To my Aunts and Uncles, who have cheered me along as I've grown up, who reminded me of my family roots, who always had time for me, I love you, and I appreciate your place in my life. To my cousins who have grown along with me, fallen with me, triumphed with me, my heart aches for you. I love you so much, and wish that we could be closer, and wish that as a family, we made more time for each other. Our roots go deep, and they're strong, but they can't sustain us forever if we don't feed them. I wish that as a family, we were knit closer together, bound in the love that Grandma and Grandpa started, and in the love of The Savior that they held onto so dearly.

It's in feeling this deep love for you, in knowing how precious you are, that my heart breaks over you. I so badly want to carry you to the feet of Jesus and have Him heal all of your hurts. I want to take you all by the face, look you in the eye, and tell you how much God loves you, how you're so precious to Him, how He created you all with such unique gifts and beauty, and how amazing your life could be if you could see yourself the way God sees you.


I see you hurting, I see you making mistakes, I see you running in circles chasing who knows what, and I want to stop you, and take you by the hand and lead you to God's throne. I know you're trying to figure it all out on your own, but I so badly want to tell you to just surrender, and rest in the arms of Jesus.

What I want you to hear from me, is that He is THE ONLY Healer of your pain, the only Fulfiller to that hole in your heart, the only Worth and Purpose to your empty spirit that's grasping for acceptance. He is The Answer, and without Him, your life will never be content, you will always be fighting the need for something more.


I know a lot of you are laughing now, scoffing at these claims, and calling my crazy. I can't pretend that it doesn't hurt me to know how you talk behind my back, how you belittle, how you make fun. It does hurt, it does cut deep, because I love you all so much. But at the end of the day, I have peace in my heart that God has put there, and I know I'm speaking truth, truth that you need to hear. I'm willing to say all of this, and have you make fun, because this is truth that you need, and you need to hear it from someone who loves you.

I'm able to stand here, and say all of this, because God has changed my life, and His truth and faithfulness are able to speak for me, and they cannot be denied. The truth of God's hand of blessing in my life cannot be denied, and I think you know that. I think you can look at my pastor Dad that you all make fun of, and know He has something you don't. I think you can see my parents marriage, and know how blessed they are. I think you can see it, staring you in the face, but you deny it, because you're scared.

You're scared because you don't know God, and you think you'll have to stop living in order to follow Him. You think following God is all about rules and judgement, but you're wrong. Living for Jesus is the most peaceful, freeing, happy, fulfilled life there is, and you need it. You know you do.

I'm saying all of this boldly, not because I think I'm special, or all knowing, but I do know WHO is all-knowing, and He has changed my life. I'm not telling you these things because I think I'm perfect, but completely the opposite- I know The ONE Who is perfect, and I'm trying to lead you to Him.

I'm not telling you to follow me, I'm telling you to follow Jesus, The One Who gave me life. I'm saying all of this boldly to you, because you need to come face to face with truth, and none of us know how many days we have left on this earth.


Think back to Grandma and Grandpa, think about how they lived their life, think about what was important to them. They came to know Jesus as adults, after having their children and raising them, but you don't have to wait that long. Grandma and Grandpa both died unexpected, but I know they weren't scared, because they were prepared for death. They knew Who their Savior was, and they knew where they were going when they died.

Do you know? Do you know what's required of you to get into Heaven? It's not a good life, or good works done for other people. The only thing that can get you into Heaven is the shed blood of Jesus washing your sins clean. The only way you can go to Glory, and see Grandma and Grandpa again, is to accept Jesus as your Savior. To admit that you're a sinner, in need of The Savior, there's nothing else you can do.


Do you see how important this is? This is life and death. Are you able to see how much this has eaten at me, and how badly I desire for you to see this truth?

My dear family, my heart hurts for you, and I need you to listen to me. I want to spend eternity with you. I want to see you happy, living your life in peace, full of joy and in the purpose that God intended for you. I want God's blessings for you, I want His goodness to cover you, embrace you, and lead you.

But you have to bend your knee. You have to be willing to surrender. You have to accept these words, and know that they're spoken for you, to save you, to give you life.

Do you hear me? I've got your face in my hands, and I'm pleading with you with my whole heart, will you come face to face with Jesus? Will you listen? Will you give Him a shot?


I'm coming to you, my heart completely exposed, will you hear me tonight?

You are so loved, so precious, and you need this truth in your life.

You need to listen, the time has come.

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