Saturday, March 8, 2014

The God Who is Present

I've talked a lot about the different attributes of God, and how they help us understand Who He is more, revealing more of His character, and what that means for us as Christians. Tonight, I am thinking about God's presence in our lives, and the assurance that He never leaves us.


When The Angel of The LORD appeared to Joseph, and told him Mary would give birth to a son, the angel said His name would be Jesus, or Immanuel, which translated: "God with us." (Matthew 1:23) This was the Hebrew understanding of God coming to earth in human form, and dwelling among men. Jesus was "God with us."


Jesus no longer dwells among us here on earth, but we do have the promise of Him coming again. In Revelation 21 & 22, when talking about the new Jereusalem, and Christ's return, we are shown a new name of God: El Shammah, which translates: "The God Who is there." God is given this name here, because it is understood that in the New Jerusalem, God will reign among His people, and we will be in His presence forever.


So we have proof of Christ being God among us, and we have the promise that God will return for us one day and we will be in His presence forever, but what about right now? Where is our hope and security now?

The Bible tells us: "For The LORD your God goes with you, He will never leave you, nor forsake you." -Deuteronomy 31:6 This is a continual promise for us, through the ages, that never goes away.

God is with us.


God being present with us, everywhere we go, and in everything we do, is called Omipresent. This attribute of God means that He is: "Present at all times." And this is where our hope lies now, this is the assurance given to us while we wait for Christ to return for His church. Though He has left our physical presence, He has left His Spirit with us always, and we are never alone.

Often times I've thought to myself: 'I wish I could have lived in Bible times, and had the chance to be with Jesus. I'd live my life different if He was right next to me, I'd understand things more, and things would be easier.' I don't think I'm alone in this thought.

But you know what? When Jesus was walking around this earth, He could only be in one place at one time, meaning that, even though He was here with us, He couldn't be with all of us, all at once. He could only physically be with a few people at a single time, which meant that many people missed out.

But the great thing about living in the time that we do, is that Christ has returned to Heaven, and He has left with us His Spirit, which is Omnipresent, present at all times. And we know that once we are saved, The Holy Spirit dwells inside of us, which means that for every Christian walking this earth, God is with us, wherever we go.

Doesn't that make you feel less jipped on not living in Bible times?


All kidding aside, this attribute for God is huge for us, as Christians. Our daily security hangs on the promise that we are never alone. This trait of God further proves His love for us, in that He chooses to give us His Spirit, and chooses to never leave our side. He chooses to be with us, protecting us, caring for us, providing for us, loving us, every single minute of every singe day, wherever we go.

Isn't that an amazing promise?

This is our God, our God Who is present at all times. 


How will you let this truth change your life tonight? Will it help you lie down in peace, knowing that The God Who is present is with you while you sleep? Will it help you live in freedom, knowing that The God Who is present goes before you, preparing your way? Will it help you live in faith, knowing that whatever comes, The God Who is present will be with you, and helping you through it?

It should.

This is why God promises to be with us, to give us these things, to make our life in Him richer.

Our God is The God Who is present, let that sink into your heart tonight, and let it bring you comfort.

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