Friday, March 28, 2014


"Surely you have granted him unending blessing
and made him glad with the joy of your presence."
- Psalm 21:6


Today was a really good day. I woke up this morning to my baby girl's giggles over the monitor, and when I went in to pick her up, she smiled up at me and laughed, so excited to see me and be held. Once downstairs, listening to the rain hitting the windows, she snuggled into my chest and fell asleep. The moment was so sweet, that I was moved once again to thank God for my life, and the precious blessings He has given me. 

Moments like this happen everyday, and it's not unusual for Andrew to come in and find me crying over Katelyn. Confused, he'll ask: "What's wrong?" and I'll say: "Nothing, I'm just overwhelmed, she's just so perfect and I love her so much."

Sometimes God's goodness to us, indeed, even the small every day blessings, are just so tender, so loving, so precious, that I get overwhelmed. His blessings are so rich, and I am so undeserving. 


Today's verse promises us that God's blessings are unending, and that our days as Christians can be filled with joy because The Holy Spirit dwells within us. God has given us an unending supply of blessing and joy, and those blessings are meant to encourage us, inspire us, and draw praise out of us. We ought to be living every day, aware of our blessings, and praising God for them. 

Even in the sleepless nights, even in the early morning wake up calls, God blesses me with a baby that is happy and joyful. The hour may be early, but I don't care that I'm awake because I get to spend time with my little girl. Isn't that the greatest blessing? 

We all have so much, even in the things we complain about or forget to see. But I challenge you tonight to stop and see the blessings that God has given you. Perhaps you need to examine the way you're thinking, and whether you're choosing to live in joy or in misery. Sometimes seeing the blessings around you requires a simple attitude change for your heart to see what you really have. 

God's blessings are unending, and they're a promise for you. Have you thanked God for yours today?  

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