Sunday, March 16, 2014

Little Flock

" Do not be afraid, little flock, 
for your Father has seen fit to give you the Kingdom." 
- Luke 12:32 


I have quite a few favorite verses in scripture, and this verse has been personal and unique for me for a long time now. I've talked before, about my tendency to worry, to imagine things up in my mind, to become anxious, and so this became a verse that I repeat to myself, in order to squelch that destructive habit. 

I love this verse for another reason too: because it's another one of those "imagery" verses for me, where I can just picture God as my Shepherd, gently caring for me, holding me close, His little sheep. I see the heart of God here in this verse, and it's always been comforting for me to picture God as my loving care-giver. I see here my gentle, loving, compassionate God…and sometimes, I think it's important for us to remember that though our God is Almighty, All-Powerful, strong and victorious…He is also kind, soft-handed, soft-speaking, patient, and caring. 

It's important for us to understand God in respect to all of His attributes, understanding all sides, and all the ways that make Him our amazing God. Understanding the "sides" of God is what allows Him to become personal to us, when we depend on Him for all the way He's ours, fully connecting with Him, and embracing Him as our personal God, in all aspects of life. 


This verse was spoken to the Jews, and here Jesus calls them "little flock" because, literally, they are few in number. At this time, Israel is being taken over by Syrians, the number that is following Christ is "little." As modern day Christians, we know that this is still the same today. We Christ-followers are few, but though we may be small in number, our God's strength is not dependent on numbers. Our God is still The God is Israel, and is still in charge, even when the majority of humanity ignores Him. 

Jesus is telling the Jews here, though you may be small in number, do not be afraid, because "I have seen fit to give you the kingdom." This is a promise being given to the Jews, and later to us as well, that the glory of Heaven is waiting for us, and that is where our hope is to lie. 

Jesus is saying to His people, no matter what happens here, no matter who looks to be in charge, no matter what persecution you face, keep sight of the Kingdom, and know that Glory is waiting for you, and nothing, and no one, can take that away from you.  

Do you feel encouraged? 

Do you feel strengthened to go fight? 

Is anyone out there giving God an "Amen!"? 


This was a message that the Jews of Jesus' age needed to hear, but it's a message for us today as well.

In today's world, we have a lot of worries that knock on our door: disease, financial hardship, wars, failing relationships, work stress, and a general "weight" of a world that is broken resting on our shoulders. 

This passage is necessary for us today, because in light of this, we first need assurance of Who our Good God is, we need to be reminded of His gentle, loving care. Second, we need this passage to encourage us. Because though the followers may be little, and though we may find ourselves battling daily against a world in rebellion to God, the promise for us is that God is still in control, and is still going to have victory, and we will too. Thirdly, the promise for us today is that through it all, Heaven is waiting for us, and nothing on earth can take away the peace of knowing that. 

Our God is a loving Shepherd.
Our God is still victorious, though His followers may be few.
And after we're done with this current battle, Heaven waits. 

That's the hope for us today as we read this scripture. 

Take heart, little flock, your Father has seen fit to give you the Kingdom. 

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