Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Our Refuge in a Land of Trouble

"I am the LORD, and I do not change." 
- Malachi 3:6


I turned on the news tonight, and saw tragic story after tragic story. If you haven't noticed, our world is a mess. Our nation is being run by a man who doesn't honor The LORD or the fundamental truths that our nation was founded on, our economy is tanked, there are wars and rumors of wars, murderers are living high off the hog in tax-payer-funded facilities, precious babies are being killed in their Momma's womb hourly, divorce now outnumbers marriage, and perverseness is now accepted over God's law. In short, our world is falling apart. 

In all the changes around us, and the failing world we're raising our kids in, it's scary to think where we'll be as a nation in 5 years, 10 years, 100 years. We have gone so far away from tradition, from true right and wrong, and demanding accountability. We have lost sight of truth, and our nation continues daily to fall down a slippery slope to complete depravation. 

It's easy to become consumed, but take heart, believer, our refuge does not change.


 "I am the LORD, and I do not change."  

This promise for us is so concrete, so final. God declares that He is LORD, and He doesn't change! He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The faithful God that He has always been, is Who He always will be, and the help He has always given in the past, will always be available for us in the future. 

In the middle of an always changing, down-spiraling world, our God does not change.


This should encourage you, because while the outside world is sad and broken, we know that our God is constant and true, and He becomes a safe place for us to rest our hearts. He becomes our refuge in a world that would rather tear us apart. God is our safety, God is our rest, God is our peace.  

"This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him."
 - Psalm 91:2

When your world is crashing in around you, and you find yourself afraid of current events, transfer your attention to God. Take your eyes off of the world, and place them on your Refuge, and trust that He is still in control, despite what you hear on CNN.

Our good God does not change, and He is our safe place in a land of trouble. 




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