Monday, March 10, 2014


"...the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen…" 
- Hebrews 11:1


Parker: "How does she know her Mother is at peace?"
Nate: "...Faith, Parker...Faith."

This conversation was in a TV episode I watched tonight, and it really struck me as soon as I heard it. Parker, a woman I'd guess to be in her 30's is struggling with the the death of her parents, and wondering, how anyone comes to peace after losing someone they love.

How do we know for sure, that our loved ones are at peace?

Nate, the deep thinker of the group, answers: "Faith."

Such a simple word, such a simple answer, but faith is anything but simple.


Faith is defined in scripture as: "...the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen…" 

Faith is what the Christian life is all about, what our hope hangs on. It is our faith that keeps us going. 

Faith that Christ was Who He said He was, Faith that He really did die for us & rise again to give us victory over the grave, Faith that He did ascend to Heaven & now sits at the right hand of God. Faith that Heaven is a real place, and faith that He did build us a mansion in Glory, faith that He is coming again for us, and faith that our eternity will be with Him, not only mine, but all those who have put their faith in Jesus.

Our faith is our life, there is nothing simple about it. 


Maybe you can identify with Parker here. Maybe your faith is weak, or maybe you have none at all. Maybe you've never come to the feet of Jesus, and understood completely what putting your hope in Him is. Maybe no one has ever explained it to you, or maybe you've never asked. 

Don't you think the time has come? 

Because, like Parker, one day you're going to experience the death of someone you love, and you yourself will die someday too. Don't you want to know where you're going? Don't you want to have the security of knowing, that even in death, you will be ok? That your loved ones will be ok?

We all die, and so we all need this hope. Faith in Jesus will give you that. Because faith is the evidence of things not seen. Faith is the proof that my God is real, He lived and died, and rose again, and offers peace to us freely, without condition and without prejudice. 

Jesus says: "...Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don't be faithless any longer. Believe!" - John 20:27. 

These words were written for Thomas, who was labeled "doubting Thomas" in scripture, because He had to see the proof of Jesus' death & resurrection before He would believe. But Jesus doesn't turn Thomas away because of his unbelief, Jesus is not afraid of the doubt, instead He calls Thomas in, tells him, "put your hand in my wounds", see for yourself, Thomas, I was pierced, they killed me, but I'm alive! 

And though these words were said to Thomas, they are just as much spoken for you & I as they were for him. Jesus knows your doubt, He knows the pain you've been through, and He is calling you in. 

Look, examine, see for yourself, and believe. 


This is our faith, this is our hope. 

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