Thursday, March 13, 2014

Withdrawing to Lonely Places

"But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."
- Luke 5:16


As I was putting the girls to bed tonight, we talked about the importance of honest prayer, verses routine prayer, and how God doesn't require ritual, but instead, our hearts. 

I think, in the case of my girls, and even many adults that I've heard pray, certain words become key words, phrases become key phrases, and once a prayer is thought up, they feel there's no need to expound upon, or change it up, because the prayer is being prayed, and that's what matters. 


We are given many examples of prayer throughout scripture, but one I want to focus on tonight is that of Jesus, as He is in full-time ministry. In Luke 5, we see Jesus healing many people, crowds demanding His attention, and people questioning His teachings. Jesus' life here is busy, and in Luke 5:16, we are told that Jesus "often withdrew" to pray. 

This is written here to show us an example, of how we ought to pray, and how important quiet, thoughtful prayer is in our lives. 


This example of Jesus' prayer life has a few different points to note for me. 

First being, that Jesus withdrew to pray. Why did He withdraw, instead of staying in the hustle & bustle and praying "when He had the time"? 

He withdraws, because uninterrupted time with His Father is important to Him. Jesus knows that His Father is only a word away, and connecting with Him, and coming before God's throne is an important part of Jesus' life. Jesus withdraws, because He doesn't want any distractions, and He doesn't want to miss out on time talking to God. He withdraws because His relationship with His Father is so important. 

Secondly, I think Jesus withdraws to give us an example of what we ought to do in our busy lives. Not only does Jesus show us that our relationship with God should be top priority, but He tells us how to make it so. Jesus shows us here, we need to create separate time for God. We need to create space, quiet, peace, in order to fully connect our hearts with God. 

We live hectic, busy lives, and Jesus' example here for us, is to stop, and purposefully create space and time to commune with God. Our relationship with God needs to be intentional, and withdrawing is one of the best ways to do that. 


The second part of this verse says that the places Jesus withdrew to were "lonely." Why is this important for us? Why is it important for us to understand that Jesus was praying alone?

I think it's noted because Jesus wanted us to see how important it is for us to have an individual prayer life, just between us and God. Jesus doesn't show us here, an example of praying with all of His disciples or family members, because He knew He needed time with just God, and no one else. 

Group prayer & congregational prayer all have a special place, but here Jesus just wants us to see how sometimes, we just need to be alone with God, and allow the quiet to sink in, in order to really focus on God. 


Jesus wants us to get it, to understand what true, worshipful, honest, heart-tugging prayer really looks like, and how we should model our own prayer life. 

I think it's in understanding this model, and understanding how important it is to withdraw, set time aside, and have individual prayer; that true, worshipful prayers are able to flow out of our hearts. 

It's in breaking the habit, and ritual words, that we are able to present our true heart to God. 

And this, I think, is what should be our goal:

True, honest, worshipful prayer.

I want to challenge you tonight, to not get stuck in routine or ritual, but instead to offer your heart up to God, and lay yourself down at His thrown, and see how much your prayer life changes. 

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