Sunday, March 2, 2014

Let Us Pray

Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, 
it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 
- Matthew 18:19


I wonder if we truly understood the weight of our prayers, and how they can effect the ones we love, if we would pray for others more. If we understood the privilege it is to go to The Father's throne for another, if we felt the weight of our brother & sister's need, truly tugging at our heart, if we would fall down on our knees before our Holy God every chance we got, pouring out or own soul for another. 


You may be sitting there tonight, thinking that your little words don't matter to God. Or that you aren't the one that God needs to hear from, or that maybe God isn't really listening at all. 

Scripture tells us that the prayers of a righteous man avail much (James 5:16) and in today's verse, we see that when two of us on earth pray together, God is there with us, hearing our prayer, and seeing to it's completion. This translation actually says: "...It will be done…" Do you hear how concrete that is?

God doesn't say that when this person or that person pray, He'll listen…He says: "When two agree" There are no other requirements listed hear, just faith in agreeing with another Christian. You can do that, you're called to do that. 

When we pray for those around us who are in need, God is listening, and He is working to answer the prayer. This is a promise for us. Do you see how significant that is to those who are hurting and crying out for answers? It means that they can pray in hope, knowing that their prayers are heard, and that God will work. We are able to pray knowing that God will answer. 


Our Christian brothers and sisters need us to be praying for them, I need you to be praying for me, because some things, we just can't do on our own. Here, God shows us how important it is for us to share our prayer needs, and allow those around you to pray on your behalf. God wants us to share with one another, drawing each other in, not because He needs more people in order to answer, but because He wants us to connect with one another, and go to His thrown together, praying for the same purpose. 

God longs for us to be in fellowship with one another, drawing to each other & drawing to Him. He knows that it's in the trusting each other with prayer needs, that our lives connect, our hearts connect, and we are more fully able to see and understand God's love for us through another person. God intends for us to depend on one another, and He gives us that example here:

Share your needs, pray together, join together in faith that I will listen and answer.


It should encourage your heart to be able to pray for another. It should drive you, to build relationships, and draw nearer to God as you join in prayer with a brother or sister. You should see this as a privilege. 

It's when you understand this, that you'll be able to understand the weight of your prayers, and how precious they are to God's ears. And it will be then, that you seek others out, asking their needs, and carrying them to our Father's feet. 

We need each other, because some burdens are just too heavy to carry alone. Seek your sister out, seek your brother out, and ask them how you can pray for them. 

Your prayer may be the one God is waiting to hear. 

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