Friday, February 7, 2014

A Story of God's Faithfulness

Some of you may know that I started my own photography business about 6 years ago. I had graduated from college with my degree in fine art, had completed a wedding photography internship, and felt like I knew enough to work for myself in that field. But after a year or so on my own, I came to understand that I needed more teaching. I took a job out in Rochester, working in a popular portrait studio. We photographed around a dozen people every day, and I edited their images, conducted their portrait sale, ordered their portraits, framed them, boxed them, and delivered them. I learned the ins and outs of owning a successful photography studio, I learned a lot of things I wanted to do, and I learned a lot more about what I didn't. Eventually, I left Rochester and returned home, with all of my new knowledge. In the years to follow, my business grew, and I was able to quit my corporate job in order to focus solely on my photography. I was so excited about this big step, convinced that God was answering my prayers to grow my business and allow me the freedom of working for myself and do what I love.

Just days after quitting my insurance job, I met Andrew, and it became clear that God hadn't allowed me to quit my job in order to grow my business, but instead, to become a wife and mom. Through our engagement, while planning my own wedding, I photographed enough weddings to meet my needs and still be independent, but not nearly what I thought I'd do. And then last year, in our first year of marriage, I photographed even less.

Through this process, of seeing my business take a back seat to my own life, it's become clear that perhaps God has other plans for me, for this time of my life.

As I've always done with this business, I continue to pray every season that God will bring me the brides He wants me to work with, and that the money will be enough, and that through my work, God will be glorified. Andrew & I have decided that I'll keep taking steps forward in my business until God decides to shut the door completely, even if that means only doing a couple weddings a year.

I must admit, at first, I was pretty upset about my sudden decrease in work. I had always found a lot of my personal worth in what I did, and if I wasn't working, my mind told me I was no longer worth anything. But now I see that that wasn't true at all, and now looking back, I can see that God had better things in store for me than being a busy photographer- He had brought me a husband, and children, and they needed my attention. Now that we've relocated and Andrew has moved into the pastorate, and we have a 3rd  daughter, my time is even more precious. Andrew & I will only be newlyweds once, and the children will only be this small for a short time, and every day that I'm out of the house, is a day I'm missing them.

I've come to understand, and rest in the peace of knowing, that Gods plans are better for us than ours are. And through that peace, I've learned that it's OK to let go of my business, knowing that my worth is not found in it, and trust that God will do what is best.


Maybe you can identify with this story of God's faithfulness. Maybe you've gone through the journey of wondering where God was taking you, and you're now on the other side of worry and doubt.

But perhaps, you're still in the valley. Maybe you're confused, and you don't feel God working at all, let alone leading you to greener pastures. But I wrote this testimony down today, so that someone could find hope in knowing that God is faithful, and He is always working.

I want to encourage you to rest on God, to let Him know your fears, and wait for Him to work, His plans are always for our good, and He can always be trusted.

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