Thursday, February 20, 2014

Author's Note: A Challenge for Every Congregation

I didn't write yesterday because of my schedule, but after some thought, it was probably best that I took a day off anyway. I know I said I wanted to write daily, but in order to write this blog, I need to have a clear mind and heart before God, and to be honest, I've been working through some things the last few days.

It's important for you to understand that I don't write this blog because I have everything in scripture figured out, or because I've mastered living the Christian life, or because I have all the answers- I haven't done any of those things- I write this blog, because God has laid it on my heart to share, and to be vulnerable, as I am walking my path with Jesus, as I am learning more about following Him every day, as I am becoming who I'm supposed to be. 


I am a pastor's wife and pastor's daughter. People have expected a lot from me my entire life, and I've always held myself to a high standard, but I am still just a person. I hesitate to say too much on this subject, but congregations in general put too much pressure on their pastors and pastor's family to be perfect little people, framed out in perfect little boxes.

Pastors, and pastor's families are not perfect people, they are just people. 

People like you.

We have various senses of humor, we watch sports, we have hobbies that don't involve church, we listen to secular music, we go to movies, we follow fashion trends, we like to have fun, we get grumpy, we struggle, and we sin.

We are just people.


I am exposing my heart publicly because this is what God has asked me to do, but you must understand, I am just a person, struggling with many of the same things that some of you may struggle with. Your standard for me cannot be higher because my husband stands in the pulpit every Sunday, and your standard for him must not be more than what scripture requires, he is still just a person, doing his best to honor God.

I say all of this, to challenge you:

First, I want to challenge you to get to know your pastor. Get to know him as a person, as a friend. He is worth getting to know, and I'm sure he'd appreciate your friendship. He longs to be treated like everybody else.

Second, I want to challenge you to pray for your pastor & his family. They are called to live a certain way, and that requires strength and courage. Pray for wisdom and discernment, pray for health, pray for love& peace to reign in their homes & marriages, and for God's protection over them. They are being attacked every day, and we covet the prayers of our congregation.

Thirdly, I challenge you to support your pastor and his family. Show love to them, understanding that ministry can be very draining and discouraging. Use the words: "please" and "thank you", understanding that yes, they are there to serve, but not to be walked over. And finally, support them with words of encouragement, because, sometimes, pastors are left wondering if anyone is really listening at all.


I also say all of this to challenge me. Because I am a pastor's wife, standing behind my pastor husband, and raising my children in a pastor's home. This is the life I have been called to, and I have to live up to the calling.

But as I am learning to live in Christ more and more each day, I am writing this blog to help me remember that I am just a person, and am not capable of doing anything, but through the power of Christ in me.

My standard must be high, but not higher than Christ requires. I must only be a willing vessel for Him, I must only surrender to Him every day, and allow Him to use me as He sees fit. I must love my husband and children, and stand behind them, wherever God leads us.

And when I fail, God's forgiveness is available to me too, and He will help me pick myself back up, dust myself off, and try again the next day.

Because that is my calling, that's why I'm here.


I hope this challenge will sink down deep for you, I hope you will understand the truth spoken here, and remember it the next time you interact with your pastor & his family.

We are just people, living our lives very publicly, doing the best we can.

With Love,

Your Local Pastor's Wife

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