Sunday, February 23, 2014

Jesus Wept

"Jesus Wept." 
- John 11:35


I'm not sure when Christians first got the idea that mourning was a bad thing. But as long as I've been involved in churches, the second someone is grieving, they are covered in hurtful, cruel, ignorant platitudes: "It was God's will", "God won't give you more than you can handle", "Don't be sad, your loved one is in Heaven!", "It was meant to be", "Time will heal", "Give it to God." Though some of those statements may be true, they are not helpful, and do not encourage someone whose heart is broken. 

I think the reason these words flow out of churches is because churches are full of people, and people, despite their best intentions, are flawed and broken themselves. It is impossible for us to offer comfort to another person, when our own souls are so lost themselves. 

As broken, hopeless people, we must go to The One source of comfort, our Healer: Jesus Christ. He is our example, He is our hope, He is our sustainer in the darkest hours of our lives. He is all we can offer to someone who is hurting, because He is the only One who can help. 

Today's verse is the shortest in scripture, but may be the most meaningful for those with a broken heart, because it gives permission. 

What do we do when the world has crushed our spirits, ripped out our hearts, and we find ourselves broken down lower than we've ever been? What comfort is there for us? What do we do to recover? 

Here, Jesus gives us our example: we mourn

We open up our hearts to our Holy God in Heaven, and we cry. We let the tears fall down, as the breath within our chest is almost too difficult to release. We bury our head in our hands, and we cry. 

When tragedy reaches our doorstep, Jesus shows us here that it is important to mourn, important to acknowledge the pain, and let your body release the agony of loss. 


Jesus wept.  

This little verse is in the middle of the story of Lazarus' death. 

Lazarus was Jesus' friend, referred to as "the one Jesus loved", and he was sick. Knowing that Jesus could heal their brother, Mary & Martha sent word to Jesus, for Him to come back and heal Lazarus. But Jesus knew what would happen, and didn't rush to get back to Bethany to save him from death. 

Jesus knew that Lazarus would die, yet, when he came upon the scene, he was overcome with sadness, and he wept

Knowing that he would raise Lazarus from the grave, Jesus wept. Knowing that Lazarus would live again, Jesus wept. Why? Because in that moment, Jesus was separated from the one He loved, and that hurt. He cried for His loss, and He cried for the loss of those around Him. 

Imagine Mary & Martha here: "If You had been here, our brother wouldn't have died!" (John 11:21) Imagine how much it must have hurt Jesus to see Mary & Martha hurting. Jesus wept, knowing that their pain would soon be turned to rejoicing. 

My point here, is Jesus knew all of it: he knew the beginning and the end, and yet, the pain He was experiencing still brought Him to tears, He still mourned

If Christ mourned, should we feel above it? Should we discourage those who are broken to dismiss their pain, and get over their suffering? 


Shame on us. 

Loss and grief are very real, undeniable parts of life, and when we tell someone to forget their loss and move on, we are only adding to their pain. Life deserves to be celebrated, and when someone dies, their live deserves to be mourned. 

Even when we know that Christ will raise them again. 

Even when we know they're in Heaven. 

Even when we know that God is with us and helping us through. 

Even when we know it was God's will. 


Jesus wept. 

And it's ok for us to do the same. 

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