Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hope For Glory

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.- Romans 12:15


I've had a hard time writing this morning, because my heart is heavy with the reality of our fallen world. 

I turn on the morning news, and almost every story is sad. Next I go on my Facebook newsfeed, and come face to face with dear friends who are suffering loss, asking for prayer, reaching out for hope. 

Because of the original sin in the garden of Eden, we now face death and loss and hardship everyday. There is no escaping it, and sometimes, the weight of loss is just so heavy, our hearts so effected by sadness. 

Sometimes, I would like to just turn a blind eye to those suffering around me, turn off my TV, hide the stories from my view, lest that sadness make it's way to my own heart. 

But I can't do that, because my heart wasn't made that way. None of us were created that way. 

As humans, we are relational beings, drawn to commune with those around us, and share our lives. Moreover, as Christians, we are actually called to enter into each others lives, enter into each others joys, and each others sadness. 

This mornings verse from Romans 12:15, calls us to "rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." We are meant to love those around us, and part of that loving requires us to truly care about our brother and sister, whether through good times or through hard times. 

The way that we show that love, is to meet those people where they are today, to come along side them and hold them up, so they know they're not alone. If one sister hurts, we all hurt. If one brother rejoices, we all rejoice. 

We are family, this is what we do. 


I am thankful today, that while we are suffering God is with us. Our Father, The head of our family, is close by:

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” - Psalm 34:18

He will take care of our broken hearts, He will take hold of our hands, and see is through this valley.

He will meet us in our pain, and give us hope for Glory. 

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