Friday, February 14, 2014

Agape Love

"Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son [to be] the propitiation for our sins." - 1 John 4:10


Today is Valentine's Day, and millions around the world will celebrate one thing today: love. 

But what I wonder is, what kind of love are they celebrating? Because the Bible tells us that without Christ in our heart, we are unable to understand love, unable to give love, and unable to receive love, because God is love, and without Him, there is none. 

The truth of the matter is, many in our world will never understand love, because they don't have Christ in their hearts. 

Our world's definition of true love is very different than scripture's definition. The world tells us that love is free and it's all you need. That as a free citizen, you are free to love whomever you desire, male or female, married or single. Liberal political correctness has made it so there are no standards for love any more, and everything goes. Worldly love is conditional, it changes with a feeling, and has no commitment level. Worldly love is lustful, and physically driven, self-seeking, and selfish. Worldly love is distorted, broken, hurtful, and sad. 

This is not true love. Not love from God. 


Scripture speaks of real love: THIS is love, that God loved us and sent His Son to die for us! THIS is love, that while we were sinners, Christ died for us! THIS is love, that I have loved you with an undying love, unconditional love, everlasting love. 

The Bible's definition of true love is Agape love, a Greek word translated "Unconditional Love" or "The Love of God." Agape love is pure, because it is from The LORD, it is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional, and according to scripture, the highest form of love known. This greek word agape is the 'love' word used in scripture to describe God's love for His people, illustrating His covenant love for mankind. 

This agape love is what is extended to us, God's children, and once it is extended to us, we are able to love those around us, through the love we receive from Christ. Without having God's love in our hearts, we are unable to express real love to those around us, and this is, as I said, why worldly love is so broken and devastating. 


Giving pure love to those around us can be difficult, because we are humans and we sin. We all have moments of selfishness, moments of anger, and moments when we choose to be conditional, telling people to love us on our terms. 

But as Christians, we have to understand that even though we are human, we are called to love better than the world. 

We have agape love inside our hearts, and the love that flows from us should be reflective of God's love for us. We should be loving better, showing a better example, and illustrating for the lost world around us what true love looks like. 


On this Valentines Day, may we thank our Father in Heaven for showing us agape love, and for allowing love to be in our lives. Without Him, we would have nothing to celebrate today. And while we are living with a thankful heart, may we extend God's love to those around us, knowing that it is through our example, that God's light shines.