Monday, February 24, 2014

With Groaning Too Deep For Words

"In the same way The Spirit also helps our weakness; 
for we do not know how to pray as we should, 
but The Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." 
- Romans 8:26


I've been waiting for the news for a few weeks now, and today I got word that my friend Gladys went home to be with our LORD this morning. 

I haven't seen Gladys in years, but she and her family were a big part of my childhood and adolescence, the kind of friends that stick with you, even when life takes you miles away. 

Dave, Gladys' husband, was one of my Dad's deacons growing up. He was my Dad's right hand man, any time Dad needed something for the church, Dave was one of the first people he called. Because of this, Dave & Gladys were close friends to my parents, and naturally, our families grew up together. Dave and Gladys have 3 children, all older than my brother & I, but I was close to their youngest daughter, Kathleen, despite the age gap. Growing up, I thought she was the coolest person I knew, and I tried so hard to be like her. 

It was through her that I began following the news on Gladys. She'd had cancer before, and now it was back. The last few weeks, we have prayed, and cried, and remembered sweet memories, and today is no different. 

I am remembering Sunday school lessons, junior church flannel boards, VBS dramas, and a million tiny things that memories hold onto: her wedding band, her watch, the way her fingers looked guiding me through the pages of my Bible, the soft words she spoke, and yes, even the times we got reprimanded for misbehaving. 

I am remembering a beautiful lady, who is now Home with her LORD. 


This morning, after reading my email, I laid in bed snuggled up in a quilt that Gladys made for me years ago, when I went away to college. I've brought it with me everywhere I've gone since: college dorms, my first apartment, my first home, and now here, to our new home, where my daughters use it to keep warm. It's a symbol of love, and it's special to me, even more special now. 

I laid there for a while, trying to pray, but not having the words. And it was then, that today's verse popped into my head. "The Spirit intercedes"…I was comforted by knowing that though my heart is hurting, and my words and failing, that The Holy Spirit Himself, goes to The Father's throne for me, praying the prayer that my heart can not utter. 

My heart hurts for this family, my spirit longs to comfort them, and it's in realizing that I'm not able, that I see how Great and how Loving my God is. 

Because, this morning, miles and miles away, His arms are surrounding this family. In the scattered states of New England, His arms reach that far, circling them with comfort and peace. He is whispering to their hearts, and beginning to heal them, even now. 

Our God is that good, that He knows what we need, even when we don't. Our Companion, The God who never leaves our side, intercedes, with groans too deep for words. 

He knows our broken heart, and He knows how to heal it. 

And I know that even now, He's already begun. 

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