Thursday, February 13, 2014

All Who Are Weary

"...“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”…" - Matthew 11:28-30


I've spent the last 3 hours trying to get Katelyn to sleep. She is normally a very calm, easy-going baby, but lately, when she gets tired in the evening, she fights and fights to go to sleep. Her body gets all red and sweaty, she becomes rigid and pushes away from whoever is holding her, and no matter how we try to calm her, she just needs to cry it out until she finally gives in to peaceful sleep. 

This process is emotional and difficult for both of us. I get upset seeing her upset, and she gets more upset the longer time goes by that she's not asleep, and the slightest move or noise can set her off again if she hasn't been sleeping long enough to get into a deep sleep. I hate seeing her go through this every night, and I wish I could make it so that she would just relax and drift to sleep peacefully. 


As I was in the process of trying to get Katelyn to relax, the image of me fighting against God came to my mind. 

Our God is a gentle God, Who always protects us, always helps us, always cares for us, always loves us, and promises to take care of us and give us rest any time we ask. But even though God has done all of those things for us, how often do we find ourselves fighting against Him, trying to fix the problem ourselves, instead of just settling into the perfect peace that He offers to us?

We kick and we scream, we complain and we demand our way, convinced we know what's best. But ultimately, don't we always come back to the same solution: "God, I am nothing, You are my all, I need You. Please help me."


If Katelyn would just rest in my arms, and give in to the warmth and safety I am offering her, her evenings would go much smoother. 

Isn't this a beautiful illustration for us today?

Don't you just want to crawl up into Jesus' lap, accept His warmth and safety, and just forget every problem in our world, and simply rest in Him? 

He is our Father. He has loved us with an everlasting love, and known us before the beginning of time. He has never let us down, and we can always trust Him to take care of us. 


Just as we cling to our earthy Fathers for support and safety, God is here tonight, offering you peace. 

Don't fight it. Run to Him, all you who are weary, and find rest in The Savior tonight. 

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